Empower Your Growth as a Music Educator with Valuable Resources and Collaboration

At Practicing Musician, we believe ongoing professional development is essential to your success as a music educator. That’s why we offer our micro tutoring teachers access to a wealth of free resources, workshops with master educators, and opportunities to collaborate with our vibrant and growing community of dedicated music educators.

Unlock Your Potential with Our Professional Development Offerings

Our commitment to supporting your growth as a music educator includes providing you with the tools and resources you need to refine your skills, stay informed about the latest trends, and develop innovative teaching strategies. As a micro tutoring teacher at Practicing Musician, you can expect the following:

Free Professional Development Resources: Gain access to a diverse range of professional development materials, including articles, videos, webinars, and more. These resources, created by master educators and industry experts, are designed to help you stay current with best practices, explore new pedagogical approaches, and enhance your teaching effectiveness.

Workshops by Master Educators: Attend exclusive workshops led by renowned music educators, who will share their expertise and insights on various topics, such as teaching techniques, curriculum design, student engagement, and more. These workshops provide valuable opportunities to learn from the best in the field and refine your skills as a music educator.

Collaboration with a Vibrant Community: Connect with a supportive and passionate community of music educators from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. By collaborating with your peers, you can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, share successes, and learn from one another’s experiences – all in the spirit of elevating music education.

Take Your Teaching to New Heights with Practicing Musician

Our professional development offerings are designed to empower you to continually grow and excel in your music education career. By joining the Practicing Musician team, you’ll have the support and resources you need to thrive as a music educator and provide exceptional instruction to your students.