To get started with assignments:
- Click Achievements in your top navigation bar:
- Click + next to the school you want to manage:
- Click the Class you want to manage:
- Click the Student you want to manage:
- Students can assign their own primary instrument by logging into their account, or you may assign one by clicking Assign Primary Instrument:
- Students may not assign additional instruments, but you may assign them by clicking Assign Another Instrument:
- Students may not assign additional instruments, but you may assign them by clicking Assign Another Instrument:
- Click on Chapter accordions to reveal Lessons, Practices, and Units:
- Lessons are video tutorials:
- Practices are sheet music:
- Units are groupings of Lessons and Practices:
- Lessons are video tutorials:
- Click the Play button to view a Lesson or Practice before assigning it to students:
- Click on the three dots to the right of the Play button to assign a single Lesson or Practice to the individual student or their entire instrument section:
- Click on the three dots to the right of the Unit to assign groups of Lessons and/or Practices to the individual student, their instrument sections, or their entire class:
- Assign a due date on the modal that pops up after you assign a Lesson, Practice, or Unit:
- After assigning a due date, the Lesson(s) and/or Practice(s) assigned will turn green but the Viewed column will state N0 until students have completed their assignment:
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